It made the back page some 5 years ago.
Language and context has been forever failing cyclists in news stories. Interestingly it also fails motorcyclists.
This biker may have been a bike thief, but I am a little concerned - I would have expected a thief to possess greater skill than the average rider. They need to win the chases and evade, not get t-boned at obvious junctions.
On a different topic, this past fortnight in Swindon have been an unsettling number of motorcycle offs. Lots of smidsy and t-bone type collisions. A few fatalities.
I think the cyclist incidents haven’t even made the news recently here.
On the local biker fb page I’m a bit concerned by the comments. It feels like a lot of the road.cc type shit. Us vs Them.
All the footage of crashes published so far, the bikers have had time to slow or stop or swerve and avoid had they looked further up the road.
There’s discussion about whether the latest smidsy was actually riding illegally on the road, but the worst is that they made no change in speed or direction: