Having complained about no free mulch or manure at our plots I remembered a tonne of wood chips got dumped on the plot next to me and neither plot nor chips have been touched for over a year (may have been dumped by the council when they took down an elder). So I helped myself to a barrow full and mulched the onions which are struggling a bit in the dry soil. Stuck in three rows of earlies and planted a few garlic cloves from last year’s crop which were sprouting hard. Be interested to see how they go.
Having complained about no free mulch or manure at our plots I remembered a tonne of wood chips got dumped on the plot next to me and neither plot nor chips have been touched for over a year (may have been dumped by the council when they took down an elder). So I helped myself to a barrow full and mulched the onions which are struggling a bit in the dry soil. Stuck in three rows of earlies and planted a few garlic cloves from last year’s crop which were sprouting hard. Be interested to see how they go.
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