Doesn't the Ikawa only do very small batches? I always thought it was more of a test roaster than anything else.
Edit: Just checked the site there, they state a max of around 90g out. Mine maxes out around 220g out and wish I had've went for the model that was twice the size. The Ikawa does look nice to be fair, but only having enough for 5-6 espressos per roast or 3-4 filter brews per roast would start to get on my nerves pretty quick!
Mine is a Korean brand called Bocaboca, they do a 250g and 500g model. Kaldi also look like they have a pretty decent range.
My brother in law has a lot of disposable money. They just switched from moka pot to the big boy cash money Sage bean to cup espresso machine and he's basically gone off a cliff into spending money.
I think he literally just wants to try it and see how it goes for a few months and he likes the design/aesthetic of it.
I'll pass on your recommendation to him though
If anyone is going to the coffee festival today or tomorrow would they check out the Ikawa home roasting machine for me?
I was supposed to go tomorrow and look at it for my brother in law but I'm just been struck down by COVID so I can't go.