Cleared weeds, rotovated (so probably only a 3” real dig), covered with a manure-y straw mulch.
Left that for three weeks.
Got the tatties chitted and the planted them by dragging back the mulch, digging individual holes (rather than trenching and mounding). Used a stiff rake over the gaps between rows to slightly mound with rotted manure, and then re-covered with the mulch I’d dragged off.
The soil beneath where the mulch was is gorgeous - really moist and seething with worms compared to the other areas which I’d traditionally tilled which are very dry.
Also expected to find a lot of weeds under the mulch - but almost none.
Feeling quite hopeful that this approach will work well.
Sweetcorn and pumpkin seedlings sprouting like good‘uns in pots too. Need to get onions ready to go.
Anyone tried carrots in really tall and thin raised beds? I was thinking of trying that approach this year - last year mine disappeared into weeds and it took back breaking work to free the plants.
Trying a new method with spuds this year.
Cleared weeds, rotovated (so probably only a 3” real dig), covered with a manure-y straw mulch.
Left that for three weeks.
Got the tatties chitted and the planted them by dragging back the mulch, digging individual holes (rather than trenching and mounding). Used a stiff rake over the gaps between rows to slightly mound with rotted manure, and then re-covered with the mulch I’d dragged off.
The soil beneath where the mulch was is gorgeous - really moist and seething with worms compared to the other areas which I’d traditionally tilled which are very dry.
Also expected to find a lot of weeds under the mulch - but almost none.
Feeling quite hopeful that this approach will work well.
Sweetcorn and pumpkin seedlings sprouting like good‘uns in pots too. Need to get onions ready to go.
Anyone tried carrots in really tall and thin raised beds? I was thinking of trying that approach this year - last year mine disappeared into weeds and it took back breaking work to free the plants.