Thanks sorry missed these last two replies. If it’s max 23c then a definite no-go.
If it had been local and I could have gone and checked it out and all good, I would have splurged. But that ‘ding’ and the paint chips on the ST look too dubious to me to bother with the hassle that comes with it being in the US and it maybe not being all I hoped for for whatever reason.
Thanks sorry missed these last two replies. If it’s max 23c then a definite no-go.
If it had been local and I could have gone and checked it out and all good, I would have splurged. But that ‘ding’ and the paint chips on the ST look too dubious to me to bother with the hassle that comes with it being in the US and it maybe not being all I hoped for for whatever reason.
I’m glad I talked it through. Group hug X