I have one that cost £14.99 from Aldi. I have to be honest, its amazing. Great for clearing out your teeth before brushing. Without going into detail I have bad wisdom teeth that are challenging to keep clean. I'm convinced that its kept me from needing serious work etc on my wisdom teeth which are simply impossible to clear with old school floss and interdental brushes (which often made the teeth bleed from the physical poking).
Can't comment on the top end Oral B one, but its just a rechargeable handheld jet squirter thing, there's nothing to it really. Could always try a cheap one to start and see if the concept works for you.
I got one from Fairywill a couple of years ago and don't think I paid more than £30. You can get them on eBay - they were removed from Amazon for trying to game the review algorithm or something, but I bought it on the recommendation of a site that does independent reviews of electric toothbrushes etc. and they said they still recommend it as a budget option.
I really hate flossing and I have teeth that are very crowded in parts of my mouth so it's much easier for me to just use that - I would leave it on the lower pressure setting to try out if you get one though because higher pressures can feel pretty aggressive. You won't be able to use it for some time after wisdom tooth extraction though in case it blasts out the clot, but maybe once it's more healed it can be useful for rinsing out stuff that gets trapped in the gum divot.
Dentist suggested I buy an Oxyjet
There's some shoddy reviews though. Anyone use this kind of tooth pressure washer shit have an opinion about usefulness and and/or which pressure washer to buy?