looks shit
I've definitely seen a lot of shit looking stuff, but I've also seen plenty of good eg.
As a fun way to cheat up the floor of a light well/basement in a Georgian London terrace.
Underneath some large trees next to a drive a bit like this
There were plenty of flowers in the bed, plus the trees. But obviously the trees prevented grass growing properly or the cba to mow outside the front of a house (something I can totally empathise with and one of the reasons I keep vetoing grass at the front when my OH suggests it.
Ultimately it's a bit like a pergola, fine if used tastefully and correctly.
Edit: but just to state for the record my preference would always be something plant based.
Nobody should consider artificial grass. Putting plastic down in a garden is a horrendous thing to do for local wildlife. Please don’t do this, and if you have it, consider removing and replacing as soon as possible.