Ha, it's actually became a bit of a saga.
I managed to get another power saddle on ebay recently. Yesterday, when I swapped my s-works saddle around, I found that the carbon rail has de-bonded at the point where it joins the main body.
Emailed Sigma Sports this morning to sort a warranty return, they replied saying the 2 year warranty doesn't apply to saddles and instead offered me a 35% discount on a new saddle.
I had to reply with a link to the Specialized warranty policy and quoted the passage that explicitly states otherwise.
They had a very sudden change of heart after this...
Worth noting this is the second time Sigma have tried to bullshit me and wriggle out of it.So in short, I still need to hold on to the Romin until they send me out a replacement Power saddle!
I'll send you a pm once it's all sorted.
Any update here?