Generally I've found with bent stuff you get odd shifting in a couple of cogs changes. But it's possible you bent it evenly enough (or messed up the cage swap in some way - wrong part? missed a washer?) that has evenly pushed the whole cage too far in one direction.
I've got to go to the dentist today, over your way. The Mason is currently in bits so I could bring you the RD off it (but I'll need it back soon). It's probably not perfect (I dropped it a couple of times) but it definitely shifts into all cogs on my bike so would be a good test.
Are you around today? Depends how the dentist visit goes but I could come over later or this eve and have a proper go at it.
Generally I've found with bent stuff you get odd shifting in a couple of cogs changes. But it's possible you bent it evenly enough (or messed up the cage swap in some way - wrong part? missed a washer?) that has evenly pushed the whole cage too far in one direction.
I've got to go to the dentist today, over your way. The Mason is currently in bits so I could bring you the RD off it (but I'll need it back soon). It's probably not perfect (I dropped it a couple of times) but it definitely shifts into all cogs on my bike so would be a good test.
Are you around today? Depends how the dentist visit goes but I could come over later or this eve and have a proper go at it.