The seller says "it's who you know". It's being offered with the ebay authentication guarantee service, which means the seller sends it to an authenticator who checks it and sends it to the buyer. Bidding started at 10 pm last night at £599, and it's reached £2050 with 6 days to go. I'm not convinced the sale will happen. Lots more people will list them on Saturday with a 1 or 3 day auction, the prices realised will be more sensible, and the bidders on this listing, even if they are genuine and serious, will cancel.
There's a Mars Moonswatch on ebay already.
The seller says "it's who you know". It's being offered with the ebay authentication guarantee service, which means the seller sends it to an authenticator who checks it and sends it to the buyer. Bidding started at 10 pm last night at £599, and it's reached £2050 with 6 days to go. I'm not convinced the sale will happen. Lots more people will list them on Saturday with a 1 or 3 day auction, the prices realised will be more sensible, and the bidders on this listing, even if they are genuine and serious, will cancel.