The end result was a dog with a ball that he still won't let go of, and another ball on the other side of the field.
Yup - have been there. I think with ours it was just training the 'touch' command and he's stopped doing it, mostly. Nowadays he will still play the game on occasion but usually only if he's tired and now it just consists of lying down and refusing to budge. The first time he refuses to drop it on command it goes back in the bag. Tough love!
Yeah - ours (miniature) you can catch quite easily, unless he has his ball when no one can get near him.
I tried having two balls to play fetch with for a while, thinking that he'd drop the first before going for the second. He ended up just chasing the second one without letting go of the first then when he got to the second he'd decide which one he liked best and come back with that one.
The end result was a dog with a ball that he still won't let go of, and another ball on the other side of the field.
Thankfully he drops it when he sees his lead so we can get out of the park pretty easily - I never trained him that, he's just picked it up I guess :)