Also they were looking at their company paying for it.
This could turn out to be a lot of hassle for not much return.
You're limited in terms of how much of the asset you can claim tax relief for (you can't claim it for most of the construction) and any personal use (e.g. music room) will trigger a benefit in kind and extra tax.
In terms of depreciation, really depends on the quality of the structure. A glorified shed you could probably argue 5 years, a proper brick structure maybe 50 years and obviously a scale in between. Buying it on the cheap could also give tax charges.
Is this the best place to ask about garden office house cabin things?
A mate was looking for recommendations. They're after something decent which they can also camp in for 3-7day stretches during various bits of house work over the spring and summer.
Any do's/don'ts, shudda done this, didn't need that, etc? I said air con based on the intended location. It might be a music room, so I also said speak to the company about sound proofing from the off.
Also they were looking at their company paying for it. I remember someone saying that it's a depreciating asset so you could probably buy it for not too much money prior to a house sale. Any idea what that timeline is? It's not a forever house.