I've definitely heard about resource guarding in cockerpoos before. We hand fed our pup for a while to try and stop it becoming an issue later and she doesn't guard, instead she runs away with the thing. Tought her "trade" where she always gets a good treat in exchange but sometimes it's just not enough.
Our friend Cath's cockerpoo will latch on to a person and sit by them and if anybody else goes near, start growling and snapping its teeth. Also does the same with sticks, holes in the ground, crisp packets...
Sadly its got to the point that people stop meeting up with Cath because they are tired of her dog's behaviour.
Tought her "trade" where she always gets a good treat in exchange but sometimes it's just not enough.
Not sure if it's the same thing, but our poodle won't ever let go of his ball - at the park, he gets to chase it exactly once when we go in, then he guards it from any other dogs and won't give it back. There's no treat that's a good enough alternative to trade with. He seems happy enough with it though, I just leave him to it and let him run around with his ball.
I have two friends with cockerpoos who have bad problems with them aggressively defending objects and even people. Possibly a breed trait?
There should be a fair amount of info out there about food and object guarding. I think its a fairly common problem...but one that needs to be nipped in the bud as they are having a hard time stopping it happening now the dogs are older.
I thought this looked like pretty good advice: https://www.battersea.org.uk/pet-advice/dog-advice/dealing-resource-guarding