Well that would be silly considering I took it apart to have it powder coated . My helper broke a piston getting it out if he would have had the tool it wouldn't have happened . Maybe the hope one will work . I found some caps at a bike shop in Australia. They are for a custom electric scooter . I'm just saying these Things are like 500 for a set and you can find everything for hope and absolutely zero for Magura . There is so little info out there it's strange . I was more just commenting on that than anything
Well that would be silly considering I took it apart to have it powder coated . My helper broke a piston getting it out if he would have had the tool it wouldn't have happened . Maybe the hope one will work . I found some caps at a bike shop in Australia. They are for a custom electric scooter . I'm just saying these Things are like 500 for a set and you can find everything for hope and absolutely zero for Magura . There is so little info out there it's strange . I was more just commenting on that than anything