• Has the LHM been flushed before as usually using hydraurincage? Usually run that through the system for 5,000 KM.

    Nice poster.

  • History on the car is a bit vague - i've done around 5500 miles in it in the past couple of years so the garage are replacing all the LHM, filter in the LHM tank etc etc. Tickover is around 30 seconds but i'm hoping they can improve that as there are always a few drops of green stuff on the floor..

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    • 6742119C-05A4-4D50-A7DA-B5FE4624A807.jpeg
  • The colour is lovely too. Such a cool car.

  • When you park the DS do you look back at and think yeah ;)

    Not trying to teach you to suck eggs spent too many hours fucking about with BX and XMs. The orange cleaning stuff does find issues if there are any ;)

    Would it be cheaper less hassle to get your carb refurbed? Recently have been rebuilding old carbs that have throttle spindles straight in to the carb body so wear and allow air in.
