It was on for offers over 525. We offered 577 and we’re told by the EA that it was really strong and the vendors might cancel viewings. They didn’t (not a surprise) and it went straight to best and final.
This is where I’m a bit flummoxed, as the EA said don’t feel you need up your offer as it’s so strong. So we stuck where we were. Got a call this morning to check size of deposit (10%) and then the news a couple of hours later it was a no.
If the houses are actually worth that much why aren't they listed at it
I genuinely think neither sellers or the EAs know what anything is worth anymore, so just put 'offers over' on whatever Zoopla says is the top end of it's value. Then just watch the madness unfold.
It was on for offers over 525. We offered 577 and we’re told by the EA that it was really strong and the vendors might cancel viewings. They didn’t (not a surprise) and it went straight to best and final.
This is where I’m a bit flummoxed, as the EA said don’t feel you need up your offer as it’s so strong. So we stuck where we were. Got a call this morning to check size of deposit (10%) and then the news a couple of hours later it was a no.