It's not my child, I don't have daughters and I'm still feeling a lot of anger.
The "smelt cannabis" line seems to get trotted out a lot and makes me wonder - do these people actually know what cannabis smells like? Are they trained cannbis smellers? Do police have super sensitive noses to detect cannabis hidden inside an orifice? Fucking bullshit.
When I first came to London, fucking everybody smelled of cannabis to me! Stand next to someone at the bus stop, you could smell of cannabis.
That was sexual assault, there is ZERO need for it to have gone the way it did. Who fucking calls the police on a child who smells of cannabis? If you think she had been smoking, where was the compassion? Where was the referral to youth drug and alcohol services? If you thought she was dealing, where was the support for an exploited child? Of course, these are rhetorical questions given the circumstance, sadly I know the answers. The teachers are saying they blindly handed over responsibility and authority to the police, but they should never have been called in the first place.
if that was my child, i would redefine anger, because words would utterly fail me..
15 years old!!!