You could map out a case for large parts of human existence going online / virtual, with humans living in huge dormitories and never going outside - food deliveries by drones etc etc. Fairly sci-fi but then what isn't these days
More likely you map out people who can afford the tech going online/ in to the metaverse to be full time distracted from the unpleasantness of what is happening in the real world
(I really enjoy using my VR headset and can definitely see a potential future where large amounts of time are spent wearing one for remote working, entertainment, interacting with remote friends and family etc.)
I completely agree. We are facing the largest migration of humans in history as the climate emergency progresses and we're stuck with nationalist politics and with growing post truth-ism surround the environment.
If people are worried about immigration to the Uk despite the very valid economic case for it, imagine how they feel when the water runs out and a billion people are on the move with the singlular goal of not dying of thirst?
Whats going to happen? Lets start a good old fashioned LFGSS list of possibilities:
1) The world takes steps to slow, stall and eventually reverse human induced climate change, invests in infrastructure and education in the developing world.
2) The areas of the world most damaged by climate change will return to feudalism, with the billionaire class providing access to food and water in return for mineral rights and labour.
3) The developed world takes no responsibility for the developing world and institutes eco-facism while the nationalistic willy waving grows to a crescendo.
4) Nuclear armageddon, killing the majority of humans, leading to the great reset.
Any more possibilities to add?