• #35202
It is. And the roller is on an eccentric cam, to you can rotate that 90 degree to lift the angle of the guide slightly and do a micro bevel without having to reset the holder.
• #35203
They are very nice. I use one but they are tricky to get small plane blades to stay in place. Apparently there's a aftermarket bit you can buy to improve it. Someone linked to it in this thread a while back but I can't find it.
I think it's the best one though and it's great to handle.
• #35204
How big will this jumbo bag from Selco be?
Something like 800g?
• #35205
Lovely bit of kit. I went all in and got the ovoid roller and chisel clamp. You won’t regret it.
• #35206
Plaster came away a bit too quickly when drilling a hole in kids bedroom to hang something - it's prob 10-12mm diameter instead of the 6mm bit I used. WetNFix?
• #35207
https://www.wickes.co.uk/Tarmac-10mm-Gravel-Pea-Shingle---Jumbo-Bag/p/131897?gclid=CjwKCAiAprGRBhBgEiwANJEY7MqPCf4bisgJB5MuLDXSRjqstTHt2BI2T5Qi7CGv04X7vu3mWfEwMRoCnmoQAvD_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds is a similar price and gives a better idea of size/quantity.
• #35208
Cut the hole square and tidy.
Use two drywall screws to put a brace behind the hole.
Attach new drywall to brace.
Smooth with drywall mud. -
• #35209
Fill in the plaster hole and drill somewhere else?
• #35210
What's this then?
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• #35211
It’s a tie for brickwork
• #35212
Wall tie
• #35213
Cheers. Hate sorting this sort of stuff out.
• #35214
• #35215
A couple of weeks back I asked for some advice on removing a patio. Smashed it up today with a hammer and a big bar and what did I find underneath?
Another patio!
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• #35216
Ha! Classic. You going to keep going down to soil?
• #35217
Try wetnfix, maybe multiple ones. If it works then you can skip the other stuff that is much harder work.
• #35218
I'll take up this one tomorrow. Assuming I'll either find another patio, or a body
• #35219
At least you'll have plenty of hardcore for the sub base.
• #35220
For fixing a towel radiator to a tiled plasterboard wall, Fischer Duopower okay or do I need something chunky?
• #35221
Anyone South got any scraps of plasterboard knocking about? Only need about 1/3rd of a sheet.
• #35222
In other news, ms_com finally found a suitable mirror on FB Marketplace. Transformation of the franken-fireplace is 99.6% complete
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• #35223
Lots, but on the other side of town to you.
That fireplace look very good.
• #35224
Looks great. And the other 0.4%?
• #35225
Lots, but on the other side of town to you.
Thanks anyway, currently doing the bi-monthly "why the fuck did I chuck out X" tantrum.
That fireplace look very good.......and the other 0.4%?
Cheers, still building up the courage to drill through from the right hand alcove to run the heater cable. Thinking that if I start from the right then I'll have a starting/pilot hole in wood through the skirting which means I'll not need to do much/any filling or finishing on that side. And it if blows out slightly on the inside of the fireplace, I'm confident enough to patch that up, so long as I miss the tiles (jinx). That is holding up the final lick of paint on the inside. Plus I still haven't cailked between the oak trim and the mosaics as I can't decide if I want white or light grey (like the grout).
This looks incredibly sexy.
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