The big difference is that the younger generation of Russians has experienced the modern world.
I wouldn't be so positive about this - the younger generation of Russians grew up knowing no other leader than Putin. He's been in power for 22 years. 22 years of brainwashing.
“In my mind, there is no such period of time when Putin was not there,
when he did not exist,” says Alexander, a university teacher who lives
in St Petersburg and gained his ticket to the inauguration through
Network, a pro-Putin youth group.“I have never really stopped to think about this country without him
as president. I’m convinced that Putin as a politician is one
thing . . . but the system he has created will always be here,” he
says. “Well, that is what I hope.”Alexander is not alone. A generation of Russians — about 40 million
people — have been born or spent their entire education in a political
system that revolves around one man.From: https://www.ft.com/content/4006f332-31a8-11ea-a329-0bcf87a328f2
Stalin seemed to manage it OK for several decades.