Unvented cylinders?
Project flat could either go.... regular hot water tank in attic, already has one of these hateful things.
Hot water boxes (mini unvented tanks in bathroom + kitchen + electric shower*
*Have extra hatred for UK warm dribble type showers. You can have a 5 minute shower and parts of your body are still dry. No thanks. I could happily live in an abandoned bus shelter so long as I can get a proper shower, speaking from experience living in abandoned buildings back when life was like that.
Place has massive water pressure + flow, don't know the exact numbers but way better than our existing flat and it has enough for everything.
Unvented cylinder in bathroom, probably 150 litres is enough? Its for us for a few days a fortnight but also guests (upto 4). Figured bigger cylinder better when lots of folk have showers back to back. Most showers on this system are gonna flow > 10 litres minute, so 150 litres at 60c only really gives 2 x 10 min showers at 40/45c (or whatever mix most folk would set the temp to) before needing to recharge. And a 3kw element is going to take a while. But, more often that not it will be enough water. https://www.heatershop.co.uk/gledhill-stainless-es-unvented-150-litre-cylinder-direct-connection?gclid=Cj0KCQiA95aRBhCsARIsAC2xvfx5q57EfcFCuYieamkpTYERxFhw46g4reZFt8LkX_Hb1dasRbkstTUaAmAqEALw_wcB
These guys seem popular, stainless and full shebang for £330 inc fit kit, element etc. Seems OK?
'Rointe' make one that the immersion is on a Wifi controller (useful as it is a sporadic use flat) for not much more, but folk have said its enameled steel instead of stainless which is less ideal, and high failure rate of the electronics. Guess there is some magic plug in wifi controller that will run an immersion heater out there?
I like ours although after 5 years we still haven't got round to installing solar panels and connecting them to the second heating coil which was part of the original reason for doing it. I think ours is more like 200l. It's got a bit of heft - Telford Tempest
Unvented cylinders?
Project flat could either go.... regular hot water tank in attic, already has one of these hateful things.
Hot water boxes (mini unvented tanks in bathroom + kitchen + electric shower*
*Have extra hatred for UK warm dribble type showers. You can have a 5 minute shower and parts of your body are still dry. No thanks. I could happily live in an abandoned bus shelter so long as I can get a proper shower, speaking from experience living in abandoned buildings back when life was like that.
Place has massive water pressure + flow, don't know the exact numbers but way better than our existing flat and it has enough for everything.
Unvented cylinder in bathroom, probably 150 litres is enough? Its for us for a few days a fortnight but also guests (upto 4). Figured bigger cylinder better when lots of folk have showers back to back. Most showers on this system are gonna flow > 10 litres minute, so 150 litres at 60c only really gives 2 x 10 min showers at 40/45c (or whatever mix most folk would set the temp to) before needing to recharge. And a 3kw element is going to take a while. But, more often that not it will be enough water.
These guys seem popular, stainless and full shebang for £330 inc fit kit, element etc. Seems OK?
'Rointe' make one that the immersion is on a Wifi controller (useful as it is a sporadic use flat) for not much more, but folk have said its enameled steel instead of stainless which is less ideal, and high failure rate of the electronics. Guess there is some magic plug in wifi controller that will run an immersion heater out there?