Been up on the roof at lunch time cutting more of the tree/ivy back, spotted that there's a junction box on the external wall that comes from the neighbours house.
Given that I have nothing to lose I'll pop over later and ask them whether they would be open to providing power (as it'd have to go through a bricks width) to my garage, if I paid them for it - likely in advance I guess to assuage their fears that I'd be mining bitcoin or similar.
Sure you could probably get a inline / plug-in meter that'd give an exact figure, then you pay per kw/h. Just don't remind them of the standing charge.
Been up on the roof at lunch time cutting more of the tree/ivy back, spotted that there's a junction box on the external wall that comes from the neighbours house.
Given that I have nothing to lose I'll pop over later and ask them whether they would be open to providing power (as it'd have to go through a bricks width) to my garage, if I paid them for it - likely in advance I guess to assuage their fears that I'd be mining bitcoin or similar.