You jumped on me for my original comment, which was this:
The difference between the tanky far left and everyone else is that we recognise the people of Ukraine have a right to self determination and shouldn't simply accept being a vassal state of Putin.
You asked if I was referring to Stop the War, and I said some in Stop the War. Two days later Kremlin propaganda is being disseminated at a Stop the War event, which is pertinent to our conversation, no?
I am happy to leave it, but I think there is pretty strong evidence that there is a tendency with some in Stop the War and affiliated Labour MPs to accept and disseminate Putin's talking points. I also think it is legitimate to point that out.
On more of the same, I really hope this video of Dianne Abbot is a deep fake, because it would be very disappointing if she said this:
I'm sure it's just that this is a touchy subject and you're just passionate about it, but you've tended to take some pretty general points made by others somewhat personally lately and picked a few pointless, one sided arguements. Maybe re-read a few posts before getting too annoyed at people on here that are likely just trying to discuss and understand the same stuff as you in a generally non confrontational way.
Are you serious that you want me to comment on this? What is your problem?