A Red Dragon with Outemu Blue switches for my partner
strip down and deep clean
De-logo the board case
New double shot caps from AliExpress
O rings to make it a bit quieter (more of a click than a Clack now)
And a Cherry MX G80-3000 I got from @damitamit which will be my board for going into the office or if I need to take something to work at my family house.
Full strip down and clean, inc. Ultrasonic clean of all the caps
Replaced the switch on the enter key that had died for a new Cherry MX blue. Very easy to solder happily.
Some boards I just finished working on;
A Red Dragon with Outemu Blue switches for my partner
And a Cherry MX G80-3000 I got from @damitamit which will be my board for going into the office or if I need to take something to work at my family house.