It is not a reference to Zarah Sultana. Some in STW, yes. Anyone talking about buffer zones or spheres of influence needs to do some thinking about their worldview.
You've still not said who it's a reference to. Maybe instead of making vague and ambiguous insinuations towards about "the left" which people can, and do, read to mean what they want, you can be a bit more precise and name the people on the left who don't "recognise the people of Ukraine have a right to self determination" and think Ukraine should "simply accept being a vassal state of Putin." I'm fairly sure that, if there are any, it's a very small number. So painting an entire part of the political spectrum with that accusation is a bit disingenuous (verging on dangerous in such a politically charged atmosphere).
Who's this a reference to? STW? People like Zarah Sultana who has had to deal with death threats because of people - including those in her own party - making claims like this?