As Velocio says, borders were closed last night to all men under 60, a lot were in cars queuing at borders with their families and have had to leave them there
The thought of being conscripted during a conflict is horrendous, the thought of being anything but young, fit and active and being called up must be doubly horrendous
Apparently fuel is beginning to be rationed at petrol stations to 20L and there are ever increasing images on twitter of bridges being blown by Ukrainians to slow the advance but imagine many in Eastern Ukraine will land up finding it increasingly hard to leave
I have an employee in Ukraine, and we were making a plan for him to leave.
As of late last night, men are no longer allowed to leave Ukraine.
We're doing the right thing of course... he'll be paid into the future even without him turning up for work, with only occasional check-ins expected at his convenience. We're keeping his job available, and ensuring he doesn't fall into poverty, whilst offering support for visas to EU countries.
But the reality is that men cannot leave Ukraine, and conscription has arrived.