Hence the practice run! Will have to wait until I have the shed and therefore the big workbench. Really looking forward to having somewhere big, dedicated and flat to work. Hoping to have a 6' x 4' MDF topped central workbench with a couple of side board type benches along two walls then for pillar drill and mitre saw use.
I meant the timber to be straight and true otherwise unless you have a planer/thicknesser it would make it more difficult.
I have a large workshop but every flat surface always as 'stuff' piled up on it...
Hence the practice run! Will have to wait until I have the shed and therefore the big workbench. Really looking forward to having somewhere big, dedicated and flat to work. Hoping to have a 6' x 4' MDF topped central workbench with a couple of side board type benches along two walls then for pillar drill and mitre saw use.