Most are terrible. Whenever looking for friends/fam I treat them sale as used car dealers. Basically give me an appointment then let me look at it and leave me alone, stay in the hallway and keep your marketing bile to yourself.
Our most recent flat purchase the agent was told this and still they bantered on for ages, so did a detour to the garden, waited for them to follow, then went back in flat and clicked door shut. They eventually plucked up the courage to knock to be let back in. Decided we wanted it and went through the process. Obviously 'another interest' is looking at the same time,tey have an appointment this afternoon etc. Spoke to the existing tenant who then let us back later on to take a proper look and share their experiences of the building/area/neighbours (all good), gave them our number, and they gave us a bunch more info. Especially that we were the only viewers in 2 years, and none was ever booked after us, obviously.Folk who are newer/naive to their marketing bile will always be made to feel under pressure by them, make rash decisions in the 'moment'. When its all a careful act. Sometimes there is genuine high demand but you get a feel for it.
I felt this too. As a seller, I think you are exposed. If you don't know how to negotiate, or do not like negotiating, it's not for you.
When we were trying to buy the place on 'subsidence alley', the level of bluster and lies deployed by the EA to push back on our downwards negotiation was impressive to the point actual gaslighting.
Found out that in the end it cost the sellers £50k as whoever bought it in the end were able to negotiate them right down to £50k less than we would have paid after we pulled out; we just wanted £10k off to pay for the extra insurance required. Sad lol.
So it can go both ways.
Did I tell you I fucking hate EAs? I fucking hate EAs.