Thinking either the Japanese saw 4 piece set or the marking set. Haven't decided, but leaning towards the saws.
The one thing that I would say is Japanese saws are amazing and last a decent amount of time.
In my mind, a present for the big 4-0 (especially one from your parents) should outlast you and be passed on to kids / grandkids / someone else you think a lot of.
In this respect Japanese saws are not ideal as unless you spend a truly eye-watering amount on a handmade blade and matching highly specialised saw files then you are essentially buying a disposable blade with very nice bamboo handle. Because the blades are so thin, they blunt easily. To overcome this the teeth are impulse hardened making the points of the saw very hard while the rest of the blade remains flexible. This way blades last a lot longer than they should but will eventually dull and because the teeth are so hard no file will cut them, so they are a consumable item. Workshop heaven will sell you a replacement but..........
Hope you heal up soon. I had a similar experience in the summer but it was a table saw I hurt my hand on and it involved more than one finger - fortunately no nerve damage and I still have all my digits.
Dedicated marking knives are much better for this and not too expensive I have a couple of these and they're great.
WARNING workshop heaven is a dangerous site and if you succumb to its gravity well you will soon be plotting ways of justifying the purchase of very nice but unreasonably pricey tools to your better half.