From what I can tell, I'm also largely ignorant, a simple clean and relube service with the bearings in place is a fairly simple job.
But should those bearings need removed for a full service, then its a proprietary tool job (£200 tool) to strip and reassemble. Chris King suggest servicing the bearing every 6-12 months and they'll last forever.
Thats what I've deduced anyway. So for touring in far flung places where Chris King service shops will be very hard, if not impossible, to find, I think Hope with the easily replaceable cartridge bearings are a more stress free option. Basically need a hammer and I'm happy to carry a set of bearings, springs, pawls etc.
I imagine the same is true with the likes of Shimano and DT Swiss, easier to fix by most mechanics.
Why would you bring spare cartridge bearings? It's not like they fail catastrophically, and unless you're riding 100k a day for months on end they won't wear out enough for you to notice.
From what I can tell, I'm also largely ignorant, a simple clean and relube service with the bearings in place is a fairly simple job.
But should those bearings need removed for a full service, then its a proprietary tool job (£200 tool) to strip and reassemble. Chris King suggest servicing the bearing every 6-12 months and they'll last forever.
Thats what I've deduced anyway. So for touring in far flung places where Chris King service shops will be very hard, if not impossible, to find, I think Hope with the easily replaceable cartridge bearings are a more stress free option. Basically need a hammer and I'm happy to carry a set of bearings, springs, pawls etc.
I imagine the same is true with the likes of Shimano and DT Swiss, easier to fix by most mechanics.