So I've just been sent a parking ticket from eurocarparks for overstaying at the Shell Kiburn station - as described a few pages back (turned up, joined queue for the fast chargers where one bay was blocked with an i3 that wasnt even plugged in, and a mini in the other charging 99->100%)
Will appeal, but just a total ball ache as shell outsource the parking fines to eurocarparks, who've sent the ticket to onto who forwarded it to me
So I've just been sent a parking ticket from eurocarparks for overstaying at the Shell Kiburn station - as described a few pages back (turned up, joined queue for the fast chargers where one bay was blocked with an i3 that wasnt even plugged in, and a mini in the other charging 99->100%)
Will appeal, but just a total ball ache as shell outsource the parking fines to eurocarparks, who've sent the ticket to onto who forwarded it to me