Make sure to have some cardiovascular medication at hand... they are no cheapo, get ready to pay more than what you paid for the frame and fork.
Here's an example from Cicli Berlinetta in Germany. Nice and coolb but I would avoid these big name shops, or at least in cases, like this. The fork is magic - although its Gipiemme dropout - if you anyway go for a more modern look its okay for yours - although not the original style for your frame. But the price.... eh....
It depends how period correct @SasenFrAsen you want to be ?
I think your frame probably had a flat fork crown and no Somec inscription, this might help you find something as it will be easier to find a "plain" fork than anything with a Somec logo on it.
Thanks for the input! I´ve started hunting for a SOMEC panto fork on Ebay. I'm wondering if it's NOS as I cant find any signs of threads in the head tube, and there should be for this time (as I'm guessing that thread-less wasn't an option at the time?).
Also the details on that Air...