I’ve decided to look for a 2005 ish V70R. My Dad is actually keener for it than me, and is egging me on no end. I think it’s the car he wanted to buy but never did. There are quite a few out there to choose from. Automatic or manual and mileage to cost to figure out now. There is a guy selling an auto Japanese imported one by me that I’m going to have a look at this weekend.
I’ve decided to look for a 2005 ish V70R. My Dad is actually keener for it than me, and is egging me on no end. I think it’s the car he wanted to buy but never did. There are quite a few out there to choose from. Automatic or manual and mileage to cost to figure out now. There is a guy selling an auto Japanese imported one by me that I’m going to have a look at this weekend.