Random blister/strapping tape post just in case anybody here is looking for tape recommendations.
I applied some Leukatape P to the backs of my heels 10 days ago and have been in damp mountaineering and ski boots everyday since and it hasn't budged a millimeter. This stuff is almost too strong...feels like it's going to take the skin off when I peel it off! Not one for your nips for that reason but highly recommended for your feet!
Random blister/strapping tape post just in case anybody here is looking for tape recommendations.
I applied some Leukatape P to the backs of my heels 10 days ago and have been in damp mountaineering and ski boots everyday since and it hasn't budged a millimeter. This stuff is almost too strong...feels like it's going to take the skin off when I peel it off! Not one for your nips for that reason but highly recommended for your feet!