Good to know they’re not discontinued!
They've definitely not been discontinued because there's a new version, the new ones have a little switch on the back:
https://hueblog.com/2021/12/01/philips-hue-improves-its-motion-sensor-with-new-technology/There are some which claim to be the new version for RRP on Amazon but they have the old pictures:
https://smile.amazon.co.uk/Philips-Hue-Wireless-Control-Accessory/dp/B09CV78GV1/?_encoding=UTF8&pd_rd_w=s0681&pf_rd_p=1fe80900-e3ba-4195-8ead-13e4d1eaae30&pf_rd_r=R1MQCKN8CA254H4M6ZFE&pd_rd_r=122b3de7-379f-4443-81d5-2b7c1835b68f&pd_rd_wg=VDuYW&ref_=pd_gw_ci_mcx_mr_hp_atf_mI think the low stock/availability are due to the old stock being sold off but the new stock not hitting yet (I could also do with a few!).
Good to know they’re not discontinued! Will keep my eyes peeled for some!