Is the metaverse something you can virtually visit like that?
I believe you can visit it now? Or some beta version of it. Populated by cartoon avatars and the like.
I didn't think it existed yet & was just a plan for future business to rip money out of people!
I don't think anyone's really crying out for it. Least of all, if anyone does, do they want to have to wear 3d headset things to do it in?
RE: Metaverse. I think the world is moving too quickly for me - I vaguely got it in Second Life & thought the idea of owning a virtual house & making it how you wanted was cool when I was a student with no chance of owning something nice IRL.
Is the metaverse something you can virtually visit like that? I didn't think it existed yet & was just a plan for future business to rip money out of people!