Fantastic, thanks!
Another query for anyone/everyone - bathroom (currently being disassembled) has floorboards (under ply, under tiles) as the OG floor (house is c.1906), and one of my wife's biggest pet peeves is thresholds and steps up/down into rooms.
I was looking at using something like Ditra matting, or it's cheaper cousin Dural Ci - and playing with the idea of taking the floorboards up, laying 18 or 24mm (?) of ply on to the joists, then the mat, then floor tiles to attempt to keep the level as close to the rest of the landing.
Joists are spaced every 40cm or so - does that sound feasible? Or am i missing something silly (other than fact I appear to have paid £££ for a civil engineering degree where I appear to have learned next to nothing about structures...)
Grout! What’s the go-to? Anything to avoid?
Have used (read: had builders use) Mapei in the past, but they don’t have a fitting pink - is the BAL Micromax 2 stuff alright?