It's all good - i've bailed out a couple of folk in the same situation, no embarassment, no gain. If I wasn't going for the last rep I probably would have racked it on the previous one, but hey - that's what the safety bars are for!
If you're at all nervous just set the safety bars high so the bar bottoms out before it touches your chest & get used to pushing it up again to build your confidence - I always have the safety bars in, just in case something goes awry, I see guys benching 100kg for reps & only putting the bars in for the last "heavy" set - sack that, if something goes pop that's an interesting new hat you'll have.
Been working on my new fangled descending pyramid scheme for the last couple of weeks - quite enjoying it, the "heavy" reps (x6) are now 6-8kg above the old 5x5 values on all the exercises - i've been sticking 2kg onto everything each time & largely so far, so good.
Might be time to pause the bench press increases for a week or 2 as I nearly pinned myself under the bar on this morning's bench press, closest i've come in years to my arms folding on the last rep, proper fuzzy head moment, not fun! The catch bars were in place (safety first kids) but I would have needed someone to lift the bar a couple of inches to slide out - the height of the notches mean the bars either sit very slightly above chest height & I bounce off them on every rep, or they're very slightly too low - above shoulders but below chest level so you need to lie there & casually wave for help, lol, the higher setting plus a couple of 2kg plates under the bench might be the best option.