Just thought I'd let you know there's a bit in the Pink Bike Podcast episode 103 about running coil shocks in bikes that aren't designed for them, but in a nutshell he's saying that the frame can flex so much it causes the coil shock to distort and ruins internals. Might not be applicable but something to bear in mind. It's also an interesting one.
I have not listened to the podcast, but that would make sense only if the coil spring was a lot stiffer than the air spring, and therefore the frame was flexing rather than compressing said spring? My coil is softer initially, then (currently fitted progressive coil) gets toward equivalence with an air spring (although not mine, I had it stuffed full of tokens, so it would have been stiffer than the coil by quite a bit).
Just thought I'd let you know there's a bit in the Pink Bike Podcast episode 103 about running coil shocks in bikes that aren't designed for them, but in a nutshell he's saying that the frame can flex so much it causes the coil shock to distort and ruins internals. Might not be applicable but something to bear in mind. It's also an interesting one.