double locking grips
The ones with lockrings at both ends? I have those. They came with the SID because it has a remote lockout grip-shift thing. I think I'm likely to piss the remote lockout off and just leave the forks on or grab the top of the fork. I find the grip shift thing annoying and I often change hand position so find myself accidentally pushing the release button all the time anyway.
Will play with lever position some more.
I find the grip shift thing annoying
@BareNecessities fooking loves a grip shift. (I can hear my self saying that and sounding particularly northern)
I think double locking grips don't help if you have those as well.
I have thought about trying to find some 820mm bars to see if that cures it but I think probably it's my lever position that's wrong. Would definitely try moving them, can always move them back...