Correction, it's not broken, I just forgot to switch the button on while testing it... though the little plastic bit next to the LED has broken. Also I just punched myself in the groin while spinning the wheel to make it work.
Plus have just blinded myself by looking into it while it was running.
Everything is going great...
Anyway, this little reflector bit - any suggestions for how I can fix it into place when one of the little mounting tabs has broken? Should I just run it without it and avoid cycling in Germany?
(assuming that it's something that makesit road legal there).
Correction, it's not broken, I just forgot to switch the button on while testing it... though the little plastic bit next to the LED has broken. Also I just punched myself in the groin while spinning the wheel to make it work.
Plus have just blinded myself by looking into it while it was running.
Everything is going great...
Anyway, this little reflector bit - any suggestions for how I can fix it into place when one of the little mounting tabs has broken? Should I just run it without it and avoid cycling in Germany?
(assuming that it's something that makesit road legal there).
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