In the photograph in the Standard article, the lorry is pictured in the High Road at the junction with Broad Lane, its front wheels in the pedestrian crossing, with the picture taken from Broad Lane.
The white bike l saw in the road was behind the lorry. No idea whether it belonged to the rider in question but I didn't see anyone around it so I guess it was?
In the photograph in the Standard article, the lorry is pictured in the High Road at the junction with Broad Lane, its front wheels in the pedestrian crossing, with the picture taken from Broad Lane.,-0.0716591,3a,37.6y,297.25h,84.34t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sYIVy5TpvDUugMbO5zZqNOg!2e0!7i16384!8i8192
No information on whether it was a left hook or something else. The lorry could have been swinging out to take the turn, but it's not clear.
Best wishes to the rider.