Whilst there's bearing chat going on I need to replace the bearings on my Novatec A291SB-SL and F482SB-SL hubs.
The front states it needs 2x689 and the rear 1x6902 and 1x15267. Where's the best play to buy bearings and what ones make most sense to buy in terms of quality and finish?
When buying bearings it's best to go for ones with a decent ABEC (quality) rating, go for 5 or better. Any eBay stuff without a rating will be just plain nasty !
Whilst there's bearing chat going on I need to replace the bearings on my Novatec A291SB-SL and F482SB-SL hubs.
The front states it needs 2x689 and the rear 1x6902 and 1x15267. Where's the best play to buy bearings and what ones make most sense to buy in terms of quality and finish?