I'll wait for the sparky but it bothers me why I've failed.
The diagram I was working from is similar to the one attached but with three separate cables/lines.
I couldn't work out which one was the switch line.
So I tried each live cable in the switch line bit and none worked without tripping.Straight after I removed the old ceiling rose (and stupidly didn't take a note of what went where) I checked each live with one of those main tester screwdrivers.
One arced on the tip of it, melted the tip of the driver and tripped the RCD.
The light does still come on though.
Of course being an old house there's not enough length of wire to work with so I can't be sure everything is properly connected.I guess you need a lot of patience to be a sparky...
Thanks - half the battle is finding out what these things are called!