If you want it to match birch ply kitchen fronts - I was thinking 4 or 6mm birch ply sheet which might cost £150-200 or so these days. add a solid core blank door say £100 add joinery costs for gluing it and lipping the edges.
Actual veneer doors are available in crown cut birch here - but might not match your fronts - guess you'd have to see a sample. https://www.doorpac.co.uk/product/doors-doorsets-internal-fire-rated-acoustic-certifire/veneered-flush-doors-architectural
Or might be worth looking in a local jewsons - these premdoor blanks look like birch ply but you'd have to see one IRL https://www.google.com/search?q=birch+veneer+door&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwj9oqjOvuH1AhWOXsAKHRIJB-QQ_AUoAnoECAEQBA&biw=1354&bih=1338&dpr=1#imgrc=JvPq1gXx30kXnM
Find a joinery shop that can laminate thin birch ply to a solid core door. Very common to skin and lip blanks with hardwood veneer. You want the best finish grade ply tho to avoid patches / knots etc