I got an email that appeared to be from a someone I worked with from their company address sharing a file via sharepoint. https://jnscorp-my.sharepoint.com/:b:/g/personal/ [surname_company] /EQm01HYobrtOgAM53jhoHzcBnN7a7yaurExlelbGCLl11w?e=4%3acSyVfS&at=9
It then gave me a verification code and showed me a document that was blurred out with a link. When I clicked on it it asked me to login with my outlook/sharepoint/etc account which didn't work so I tried a few passwords then tried to set up a new account with the email it went to.
What should I do?
change any passwords using the ones I typed in.
run an antivirus on my laptop
Anything else?
I'm also having a hard time remembering exactly what I did as ultimately I was just trying to open/view a document so was just focusing on getting that done.
Pretty pissed off. I only opened the document because I was going to message the person's boss about a reference and mistakenly thought I must have and this person was sending the email. Literally any other time I'd have known it was dodgy. Only upside I guess is that I used my "online birthday" instead of my real one... not much comfort.
Back again. This time it's my fuckup.
I got an email that appeared to be from a someone I worked with from their company address sharing a file via sharepoint.
https://jnscorp-my.sharepoint.com/:b:/g/personal/ [surname_company] /EQm01HYobrtOgAM53jhoHzcBnN7a7yaurExlelbGCLl11w?e=4%3acSyVfS&at=9
It then gave me a verification code and showed me a document that was blurred out with a link. When I clicked on it it asked me to login with my outlook/sharepoint/etc account which didn't work so I tried a few passwords then tried to set up a new account with the email it went to.
What should I do?
Anything else?
I'm also having a hard time remembering exactly what I did as ultimately I was just trying to open/view a document so was just focusing on getting that done.
Pretty pissed off. I only opened the document because I was going to message the person's boss about a reference and mistakenly thought I must have and this person was sending the email. Literally any other time I'd have known it was dodgy. Only upside I guess is that I used my "online birthday" instead of my real one... not much comfort.
Microsoft account team account-security-noreply@accountprotection.microsoft.com
Microsoft Account email@engage.windows.com