But those who earn more already pay more as income tax is progressive.
Doesn’t this all come down to what is a fair way to decide who to tax more - is it those with most income? Most assets? Or how people get their wealth and whether it was taxed on accumulation (e.g. inherited or massive CGT gains on houses not taxed)?
I find an argument that e.g. a couple who work 60hr weeks to afford a family home, pay £30k SDLT on buying it and both have to work a less obvious candidate to pay more tax than someone who bought in that same street 20 years beforehand for £150k, paid no stamp and will not pay CGT on disposal.
(disclaimer - this is probably because it is closer to my own situation, but still)
On average you get paid more, even the minimum wage is higher to reflect higher costs, although I know in practice there's also massive inequality and poverty. Maybe the same percentage of tax on a property would lead to a leveling of house prices.