Bought a simple domestic quality Bosch laser level thinking it would happily project onto ceiling to help with strapping locations. Nope, flashes constantly because its not level. Turns out only the £150+ machines do ceilings properly. Piece of string method slower to setup but doesn't flash.
Still useful though, can't believe I've gone this long without one. Would defo invest in a all singing laser if I was on the job all the time
Bought a simple domestic quality Bosch laser level thinking it would happily project onto ceiling to help with strapping locations. Nope, flashes constantly because its not level. Turns out only the £150+ machines do ceilings properly. Piece of string method slower to setup but doesn't flash.
Still useful though, can't believe I've gone this long without one. Would defo invest in a all singing laser if I was on the job all the time