Sparx was in today for the first time. After a couple of hours he came to find me looking as white as a sheet. Unsurprisingly the whole house needs re-wiring. Everything is labelled in polish (even the switches on consumer unit) in illegible hand-writing. There are no RCDs in the consumer unit. There are about 30 times more junction boxes than needed and they are randomly dotted around the house each junction box is crammed with wagos. Perhaps the biggest surprise the sparx found though was that every time a cable terminated the last 4 inches of each wire was stripped and coloured sleeves were added; red to neutral, black to live and solid green to earth.
The Sparx is of the opinion that whoever did the wiring was actively trying to kill someone.
Oh and the landscape gardeners took one look at the roof and ran. As did the three other roofing firms that subsequently turned up to quote for the job. Not sure how to proceed with that one.
As far as we can tell not too bad. The gas has been certified as safe and the heating / hot water all works even if some of the locations of isolation valves are slightly idiosyncratic.
New update from hell:
Sparx was in today for the first time. After a couple of hours he came to find me looking as white as a sheet. Unsurprisingly the whole house needs re-wiring. Everything is labelled in polish (even the switches on consumer unit) in illegible hand-writing. There are no RCDs in the consumer unit. There are about 30 times more junction boxes than needed and they are randomly dotted around the house each junction box is crammed with wagos. Perhaps the biggest surprise the sparx found though was that every time a cable terminated the last 4 inches of each wire was stripped and coloured sleeves were added; red to neutral, black to live and solid green to earth.
The Sparx is of the opinion that whoever did the wiring was actively trying to kill someone.
Oh and the landscape gardeners took one look at the roof and ran. As did the three other roofing firms that subsequently turned up to quote for the job. Not sure how to proceed with that one.