I woke up this morning thinking about a dawn grey Seiko and how much I'd like one.
(we are getting the back of our house rendered and we decided on the colour "princess grey" and I did wish "dawn grey" was an option, then I was thinking about switching one window frame to be orange for the lols, then realised that was insanity, forgot all about Seikos until you post this picture, the same day as my semi conscious ramblings)
I woke up this morning thinking about a dawn grey Seiko and how much I'd like one.
(we are getting the back of our house rendered and we decided on the colour "princess grey" and I did wish "dawn grey" was an option, then I was thinking about switching one window frame to be orange for the lols, then realised that was insanity, forgot all about Seikos until you post this picture, the same day as my semi conscious ramblings)